Our moral purpose and logo

Part of the work we have been doing with the staff and the School Board as an Independent Primary School is to develop an agreed Moral Purpose and have a new logo designed. The moral purpose is a clear concise statement that captures what we want for our students and your children. All our actions should reflect our moral purpose and it should be behind all future planning.

Our Moral Purpose states – Wirrabirra is a connected and future focused community, dedicated to achieving student excellence.

The moral purpose is supported by the wording on the new logo which says – Learn – Grow – Care. When the Board and Staff workshopped words to capture what we wanted most for our students they felt if each child Learns to the best of their ability, Grows as a person and positive contributor to the community and Cares for and is part of a caring environment learning to care for others, they would be great future citizens. These statements and others are part of our Business Plan which will be available for you to read on the school web page.